Presence is an area of social and interpersonal skills that comes up fairly frequently in my role as a high-performance coach. A current, longstanding client may ask what it is, and a new client may come to me because they already know they need it.
While anyone, from school-age children to adults can possess Presence and hold space using that power, the three main areas of concentration for this discipline tends to be Professional Presence, Personal Presence, and Executive Presence.
Presence is NOT your image or first impression, nor is it your body language. It is largely your nonverbal persona.
I know there’ll be a reader who’ll call me out for being redundant because I said Presence is not body language but it is nonverbal.
To be clear, body language and nonverbals are not one and the same. They’re more fraternal twins than identical.
Where body language is related to physical movement and what you're doing with your body to...
I am of the opinion that the United States is headed toward a major correction in terms of decorum. Similar to fashion, how we behave in the company of others, and what is deemed to be correct, polite, and proper is cyclical.
Political discourse is largely to blame for the daily displays of vitriol, and the smartphone likely is to blame as well. Nothing good can come from humans with their heads buried in their devices for the better part of each day.
A decade ago my focus was corporate etiquette. There was never a shortage of blue-chip firms who sought guidance to ensure their people had professional polish.
Business was brisk as we swooped in to make sure middle managers and young executives knew how to comport oneself at a cocktail reception, checking to see that forks were held properly, beverages were sipped with eyes downward, and bread is torn and consumed in small pieces.
Over the past four years and with displays of poor manners in abundance, the...
How often do you think about human relations? Not the textbook definition, but rather the words at face value and their most basic meaning.
Are you conscious of how you are perceived by the people in your orbit?
If you work a professional job that may be how a colleague or an executive accept or even reject your contributions. For entrepreneurs and business owners, a review of how adept you are at human relations manifests as plum clients, more customers, and coveted contracts.
Human relations encompasses interpersonal skills and how your persona affects the people around you, all day, every day.
Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People” is on the list of the top 100 non-fiction books of all time, and for good reason. It was one of the first, popular books written about not just how one should present themselves, but how to interact with others in the most successful way.
That the information written in this book which was first...
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